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• The features of a character/object are made to fit an artist’s notion of ideal beauty

Idealized figurative works typically emphasize health, physical fitness, pure skin, and symmetry of features, which are imposed upon the character(s) in a painting/drawing. Idealized scenes or still lives might remove all signs of decay, any blemishes, flaws, or impairments.

Of course, ideals shift from culture to culture and from artist to artist, so in portraiture, for instance, one’s image of ideal health and fitness might range from pleasantly plump to very thin, from muscle-bound to wiry. One’s image of beauty might favor youth or it might lean toward the depth of character found in older faces. Accordingly, an artist might idealize by hiding or accentuating wrinkles and changes in form that come with aging.

Featured: Comtesse d'Haussonville by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.


